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Sound Healing

Sound has always had an ancient kinship with meditation and healing. Sound healing has ancient roots in cultures all over the world. These practices focus on experiencing sound manifested not only through hearing to ground the mind but as well through tactile physical vibrations and frequencies that move through the body. Sound Healing, through various techniques and instruments, is the conscious use of the energy through sound to promote wellness. Sound Healing is founded on the premise that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. Therefore, creating and controlling sound, or vibration,  we can influence any substance. Many ancient civilizations and modern indigenous cultures have used sound to heal and access higher levels of consciousness for thousands of years. There are a wide range of techniques that utilize sound as a tool for change. The use of natural sounds, singing bowls, gongs, flutes, drums, digeridooos  and more modern instruments can be used to attain specific frequencies and harmonics to bring a state of rest and healing. This sound bath can help release stress, tension, allowing one to connect to a higher state of consciousness by altering brainwave states that regulate and balance body and mind. These vibrations oscillating through the body can influence energy to shift unlocking emotions, clearing stagnation, invigorating cellular regeneration, and activating the body’s mechanisms of self healing. This can bring profound restoration, peace, and equanimity. If practiced with deep intention and receptivity it can support all aspects of wellbeing. 

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